About IMechE Fan Boats in Primary Schools
This project is developed for and supported by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, to help enthuse primary aged children about STEM. The fan boats project allows pupils to design, make, test and improve a product whilst relating to electricity, materials and forces in the primary curriculum. It is great fun and allows plenty of scope for coming up with individual designs.
Here is a quote from a head teacher involved: “Absolutely brilliant! The children's squeals of delight when they launched their boats was a moment not to be missed. The children said they had 'the best day ever'. They were talking about streamlining and modifying their models and were obviously gripped by the experience.”
Some IMechE regions (e.g. Western, Midland and Kent) organise sessions for training volunteers and STEM Ambassadors, who are then provided with a class pack and encouraged to make contact with their local primary school in order to run the activity.